Saturday, September 26, 2009

Its Alive. Its Still Alive

Yeah My blog has been hibernating for a while now but I'll breathe some life into it with this.
So most of you should know that i've been back siince last saturday and I'm leaving tomorrow.

Its nice seeing Yew wooi, Clifford sissy aka fiffy aka Cliffpussy and Shu kai again after a long time. Since Chinese new year i guess.. and also Kevin whose back for 6 weeks
I dont think i'm gonna see these wusses again for a long time since I probably aint coming back for cny holiday cause the tickets are bloody expensive.

here's a recap of the week. Watched Football Match at CentraL Park while having our favourite ikan panggang.. it was MU vs MC.. I rooted for MC cause i'm anti MU. it turned out to be 4-3. should have been 3-3 but the ref gave extra extra injury time.. the goal was after 5 minutes of injury time..

other that we went to our 1st restaurant dinner together. I found out why we dont belong in a fancy restaurant together...

after that we even went to friendship park for hanging out and they started camwhoring...

On wednesday we went to MBO (my 1st time). Watched Where Got Ghost. It was more Hilarious than scary really. Singaporeans have really good humour..

On thursday i was repeatedly sleeping and awaking

On friday went for a quiet drive around town. Water front actually looked good with the fountain finally on after so many years. Plus the lck of "sampah Masyarakat" a.k.a scums helped out too

Today, goin out with Farextacy...

And Tommorrow Back to Hell Island and KMHEll

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The death and resurrection show

Mark out the points. Build the pyre. Assemble different drummers. Light up the fire. put on your masks and animal skins cause it is time for the death and resurrection show of ncn's HP..

1st the death part
well my 1st ever phone which i bought in December of 2005 has finally died a couple of weeks ago..
It was a Motorazr V3. Although it had its flaws it served me well as a basic phone and messaging device. Furthermore it was definitely cool looking and innovative as it is th phone that paved the way for all slim phones. Its memory of only 7mb stored precious memories of me and my experiences. Please everyone join me in a moment of silence as a token of respect to the life of My V3. Thou shall be missed dearly

December 2005 -July 2009

Enough of that now the resurrection part

On the 29th of July. A new being has risen from the ashes of the V3 it is non other than the w995
equiped with a 8.1 mp camera, a 8gb memory card and more. it definitely has improved upon its predeccasor the v3 which only had a vga camera and pathetic 7mb memory.. But as said before the V3 will always be remembered in our hearts.

July 2009 - ????

Monday, July 27, 2009

Movies, Food and Toilets

the 3 things i've been enjoying most since coming back from labuan.

Watched lots of movies. Ate lots of homecooked and good outside food. Used clean toilet which is like a throne compared to KML toilets everyday. twice a day even!!

Well.. time is almost up. 6 more days till i go back FTW..

Monday, July 20, 2009

Goodness Gracious me

I need a new car! As much as i love the power of my wira engine. Lets face it. Its Old and damaged from the 2 floods it survived from. Its making sounds that it should be making. A good analogy would be like hearing ur lover singing a Christmas carol while ur making love. Its just not right.

Anyways. Last saturday at 730 ncn landed at kuching. So many thigns to do and so little time. the nights of my 1st week back is fully booked with temple. well atleast i not missing the festival. Today went to skool. ate the sacred Green Road Kolo mee. Went to the pool with a friend. And do what i love doin on the road. DRIVING!

Wednesday is movie marathon day! Planning to watch Ice Age 3, Harry Potter 6 and of course the granddaddy of movies to watch this season Transformers 2. (those who comment saying I'm outdated pls shoot ur self)

P/S calling all guys and girls who can eat like guys. Hartz Chicken Fest is approaching. Sign up with me now. date not confirmed yet

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hear ye Hear ye.

The King Of Kings returns to his throne in 13 days..
Saturday Is the day of Salvation for it is the day of the return of the triumphant Warrior sent to exile on the wild isle of Labuan..
Hence, 2 weeks of celebration would commence a fortnight from now. and will end a fortnight from then for that would be the day the Champion has to return to resume his unjustifiable exile.

p/s Hell island is in need of some serious air conditioning!

Monday, June 22, 2009

I'll be back

Yes. I'm quoting Arnold not Christian Bale.
I'll be back in roughly 3 weeks. So you all better be prepared for 2 weeks of ncn..
18th july i'll be in kuching. free till 31st july.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Posting a lyric blog cause i have nothing else to do on this island and somehow the song is an omen

I see you standing here
But you're so far away
Starving for your attention
You don't even know my name
You're going through so much
But I know that I could be the one to hold you

Every single dayI find it hard to say
I could be yours alone
You will see someday
That all along the way
I was yours to hold
I was yours to hold

I see you walking by
Your hair always hiding your face
I wonder why you've been hurting
I wish I had some way to say
You're going through so much
Don't you know that I will be the one to hold you

I'm stretching but you're just out of reach
You should know
I'm ready when you're ready for me
And I'm waiting for the right time
For the day I catch your eye
To let you knowThat I'm yours to hold

I'm stretching but you're just out of reach
I'm ready when you're ready for me

Saturday, June 6, 2009

3rd week in hell Island

Yeap.. I prayed to god earlier this year to get me out of the hell hole called green road.. looks like i got more than i bargained for. i was taken out of the hell hole and dumped on the hell island FTW.
so far the weekends have been fun and weekdays have been fuckedup boring.. i amnaged to escape spending any weekend at KML till now. 1st weekend i stayed with my long distance relativese in labuan, 2nd with the Ng's At Tiara Labuan Hotel. 3rd at Mariner Hotel With Some friends. But i guess my luck running out already cause next week i doubt i can escape KML

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Double Tag part 2

Here's the 2nd tag this time by eileen

Tagged by Eileen.

Ah Sim.

1. Apakah hubungan awak dengan dia?

Simply put its friend. More complicatedly she's my School mum's (Kevin) and School aunt's (Clifford) Sister. So i guess she's ma aunt too

2. 5 impression terhadapnya.


Tahan Lasak ( i once accidentally kicked a ball to her face)

Loves to cam whore

Slightly racist

can sound really drunk sometimes

3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang die lakukan kat awak.

Made me take a "cute" pic while holding a freaking pink ballon during EST

4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak.

Ah Chandran!!!

5. Kalau die kekasih awak, awak akan..

jadi President Amerika Syarikat

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak. awak akan..

Jadi Raja Dunia

7. Kalau die kekasih awak.. dia perlu improve dlm..


8. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak...mungkin kerana...

I insulted her sissy sister

9. Overall impression ttg dia..

Funny weirdo

10. The most desirable thing to do to him/her.

Play football with her.. hahaha

11. Apakah awak rasa ttg pandangan org terhadap awak?

Takut.. hehe..

12. The character of you for yourself?


13. On contrary, the character you hate about you?


14. The most ideal person you want to be with?

The ideal Girl next door who can have fun and be maintain composure at right times. slightly wild but not overboard. Has wits. Not a dumb blonde type person.

15. For people who like you.. tell sumthing about them.

Get ready for a total package of wholesome fun, violence, adrelanine rush, comedic reliefs and etc.

16. *Ten people you tag:

1. eileen

2. Clifford

3. Kevin

4. Farid

5. Nabila

6. Kelly

7. Aria

8.Geraldine C

9.Geraldine T

10. Syafiq

17. No.2 ada hubungan dgn siapa?

With Alex Ferguson

18. Is no. 3 female or male..

Male. (but he's ma mother)

19. If no.7 and 10 have a relationnship. Is it a good thing?

It would be hell on earth

20. Mcm mana dgn no.5 dan no.8?

hahah. Farid kesian lo.. and aliak gonna skin no 8 alive

21. No.4 single kah?

Nope. Dia ada Syafiq, Taufiq dan Azmi..

22. No. 1 belajar apa?

Somethign at Taylors

23. Say something about no. 6.

Mal Mal. Nuff said..

24. No. 9 kelakar tak?

I guess so

Double Tag Part 1

TAgged by 2 persons on the same night. if only Tag was a slang for sth else like ahem ahem..

This one i'm tagged by Nabila

1.) have you ever been asked out?

- Nope..

2.) where was your default picture taken?

- I dont even have a default picture

3.) what's your middle name?

- Chandran

4.) your current relationship status?

- Singular microbial organism

5.) does your crush like you back?

- Obviously I dont know

6.) what is your current mood?

- Homesick. but not for mushy reasons. Miss my PC, My Bedroom, My Toilet. and the food!!!

7.) what color of underwear are you wearing?

- Blue.. Why does this matter?

8.) what color shirt are you wearing?

- Red

9.) Missing something?

- Other than those mentioned in No 6, Driving and riding

10.) if you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?

- Go back and blackmail the JPA interviewers so i wouldnt be stuck on this island!

11.) if you must be an animal for one day, what?

- A Lion.. So that i can relax while the girls do the work.. heheh..

12.) ever had a near death experience?

- Was involved in an accident once. but far from deadly. and i think i almost drowned when i was 9

13.) something you do a lot?

- Breathe

14.) the song stuck in your head?

- Heartless by kanye (but Hey Farid kenak kau gay lyrics).

15.) who did you copy and paste this from?

- Nabila Hani a.k.a Mrs Joker

16.) name someone with the same birthday as you?

1863 - Vivekananda, Calcutta, Hindu religious leader/reformer

1893 - Alfred Rosenberg, German Nazi official

17.) when was the last time you cried?

- When i was denied of having that toy 16 years ago

18.) have you ever sung in front of a large audience?

- form 4 patriotic song competition. we won 1st place hahaha

19.) if you could have one super power what would it be?

- Rapid regeneration, so i can adamantium skeletan system and rip apart anyone who gets in my way and being almost invinsible

20.) what's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

- the smile or lack of it so i can carve one onto them.. but seriously the facial features

21.) what do you usually order from starbucks?

- java chip frapuccino

22.) what's your biggest secret?

- pssst. hey you wanna know? sebenarnya dragonball 7 biji semuanya

23.) favorite color?

- Black silver, blue

24.) do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?

- only when i need to sleep

25.) what's on your walls?

- Prophecies of Dooms day.

26.) what are you?

- An educated Degenerate

27.) do you speak any other language?

- Duh..

28.) what's your favorite smell?

- Barbecue!

29.) Describe your life in one word.

- for now its Dull

30.) have you ever kissed in the rain?

- I wish..

31.) what are you thinking about right now?

- Thinking how to survive this crappy island for the net 11 months

33.) what should you be doing?

- Homework

34.) who was the last person that made you upset/angry?

-The Idiot Who decided kolej matrikulasi does not need unblocked internet connection

35.) how often do u talk to God?

- When i need to

36.) do you like working in the yard?

- Nah..

37.) if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

- Obama.. Yes We Can

38.) do you act differently around the person you like?

- a little. Less volatile and violent

39.) what is your natural hair color?

- Black

40.) who was the last person to make you cry?

-I think my dad when he told me no i cant have the toy about 16 years ago.

I tag:

Farid, Aliak, Schumiq Syafiq,

Nabila Honey. Tyah,


Anyone who gives a crap.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What To do When Attending A Metal Concert

There lots of things to prepare when goin to a metal concert. One of them is being prepared to headbang to the point that mere mortals would break their necks while doing it. Headbanging is an essential part of any metal concert. Most of us would not be able to immitate their talent. and lets face it metal songs are not really sing along songs. so u cant do what most fans of other genres can do. so the one true way of showing ur having a great time at a metal concert is headbanging instead of staying still looking like ur disrespecting the band thats playing.
here are some tips for achieving top notch headbanging.
1. Train ur neck weights using ur mouth to build up the muscles necessary to headbang hard and to keep ur head intact after headbanging. You'll probably need as much neck training as a wrestler.
2. If possible have long hair. i mean really long. the longer the better.. it adds to the effect of headbanging.
3. Build up ur stamina You need lots of stamina to headbang through an entire concert. or you could just get drunk b4 the concert what ever suits you more..
4. Make sure u dont bang into another headbanger. The concert organisers will not be liable to the traumas caused by the collision. for this you need to build up your senses.. You need good hair-eye-head-skull coordination. yoga or taichi is best recomended or violent deadly dodgeball
5. Learn to headbang to rhythm... headbanging is not random movement of the head. there is a rhythm to it which is different for every song... so be well taught in identifying specific rhythm so u dont look like an idiot.

Well thats 5 precious tips on headbanging. hope to see you at a metal concert soon practising them..

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan, KML,

KML is da bomb man...
KML rocks..
KML is awsome..

If anyone ever tells you this beat the freaking shit out of them

Cause KML sucks ass,
Has terrible facilities..
Has blocked wifi.
has terrible food..
doesn't even have a clinic evn tho it has about 2500 students..
and is boring as hell..
did i mention it has terrble toilets and bathrooms too?

F the kolej. u bring us into the jungle. and u block websites that keep us connected with the rest of the world.
U serve us food that we had for lunch for dinner then serve the same food for the next 3 days.
Oh God please show me some mercy and give me that shell scholarship or at least make my JPA apeal successful!

BTW this is not emoing its being fuckin frustrated and bored

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bloggin from Miri

Hola at cha readers..
At the time i wrote this blog i'm at Miri Airport. waiting for my flight to labuan.
Enjoying a RM14.50 Choc cream ice-blended at Starbucks.
Speaking of flying. today is the 1st time i'm gonna use a small plane A 19 seater DHC Twin Otter.
The largest plane i've have ever used was the boieng 747 from KL to Kuch a few years ago... Yeap haven't rode on a A380 yet..
Anyhow I'm gonna miss kuching a lot. especially the food and especially the people. (and also private bathroom and toilet)

So buhbye Folks and May the force be with ya

Saturday, May 16, 2009

'Cause baby I'm leavin'

Thats right... the lyrics from the song leavin by jesse mccartney describes my situation almost perfectly..
Goin to Labuan tomorrow 7a.m. flight to Miri. then another flight to labuan..
Matrikulation for 1 year..
The studies aint too bad. but i heard bad things about the facilities. Well i can handle crapy dorms up to a point.. Gotta experience it myself 1st..
If I'm lucky i'll be coming for the 1st 2 week break at the end of july..
I did apeal my JPA result and I am still waiting for my shell scholarship.
If i get JPA i'm coming home baby. If shell 50-50 chance i might stay there.. cause for pre-u shell givin 8k per year only.
b4 i go here's a little quotation from avenged sevenfold's song a little piece of heaven

’Cause I really always knew that my little crime
would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
and I know, I know it's not your time
but bye, bye

Thursday, May 14, 2009

NFS Pro Street Round 2

Here is a follow up to my last post

The 1st one is Porsche 911 gt2

This is what i call a muscle car
Ford Shelby GT500 Mustang

This is my Tribute to the old action hero flick The Phantom
Viper GTS

The creme de la creme
Nissan GTR

If i had this car it would definitely be my crusing luxury car..
the Chevrolet Camaro Concept

The dark horse
The Audi TT Quatro

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

NFS Pro Street

Its Apperent That I'm a car dude..
For past few weeks I've been oplaying Need For Speed Pro Street on my pc...
Here are some cars from my collection in da game

1) The Pagani Zonda... reminds me of the old batmobile

My Lancer evo 9.. i custom made the graphics

My baby.. The lamboghini lp640 murcielargo

And the best ford out there which is not a mustang..
The Ford GT

And this luxurious BMW Z4 Coupe

Vote for which one you like best!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


1. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Yeah.. cause i dont and as a guy it would totally undermine my manhood if she smokes

2. How about drinking?
No prob as long as she doesn't do it to the extent that she goes home with the wrong fella

3. Do you like someone you can't have?
Yes... Its her...
heralso herand hernot forgetting herthis one too
But seriously she is the oneoh yeah other than these babes there might be one closer to home

4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Sure... Why not...

5. What's your favorite sport?
Playing Football.. Watching wwe... and the X games

6. It's Saturday night, and you're home alone. What do you do?
Play a game watch a movie or deviously plan a synester prank to pull on somebody. (Looks at farid) Somebody... I wont tell who but you might know him pretty well

7. Do you like roller coasters?
Hell Yeah! The more bowel movement the better

8. When is the perfect time to have a bf/gf?
Whenever I'm not Stoned

9. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
Other than those stated above... Anne Hathway

10. What are you doing this weekend?
Camp Pueh for a 3 day Youth Cultural Forum... (forced to)

11. What is your favorite restaurant?
Hooters!! Nice food Great Waitresses

12. Have you ever hugged someone?
A bear hug or a loving hug? a couple of times

13. Ever kissed someone you weren't attracted to?

14. Do you like anyone right now?
Would you believe me if i said Yes?

15. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
The ahem ahem SMile.. Definitely the smile
If you dont smile I might have to call our ciplak joker (you probably know who) to put one on you

16. Which do you prefer, Beach or Mountains?
Beach. at the bottom of an mountain

17. What kind of phone do you have?
A reliable byt dying Motorola V3

18. Computer or Laptop?
Computer if I'm not goin anywhere else to study Laptop if otherwise

19. Jeans or Sweats?

20. Which year(s) has/have been the best so far?
2006. Most fun school year and also holiday... Hopped on the plane on the last day of PMR for 1 week shoppin trip for deepavali.. then in middle of november a 1 month trip from Singapore to Johor to Langkawi To Penang To Kl then back to kuching

21. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
19 Duh

22. What should you be doing right now?
Deciding where i would go to study

23. What is your favorite TV show?
Heroes, Chuck, House, Knight Rider

24. What's been your last purchase?
A 500ml of peach juice imported from japan costing RM2.30.. Used to cost RM1.80

25. Are you attracted to girls/boys that smoke?
Only if the girl is smoking because she's on fire

26. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
Not in front of a big crowd.. in front of a few people yes...

27. What do you do when you're at home?
Currently Sit and rot infront of the computer while Listening to music, playing games, chatting or watching movie.

28. What is your favorite subject?
Recess and PJK...

29. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Being born.... Finally beating my bro in public exam... Getting my 1st HP/XBOX/PC

30. Tag 10 people:
10.Min Zhi

Basically anyone who blogs

Screw The System

Guess what.. the poll was useless...
Apparently I am not automatically given a place for form 6...
Thus i cant waste time there while waiting for scholarships..
Well Tomorrow is rumored to be the release date of the JPA results... and as for shell I still gotta wait for a couple more weeks...

And so yeah Screw The System

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tag Attack

Tagged by Aria

1. What song do you want to dedicate to your friends?
Give it all by rise against

2. Why have you chosen the song? Explain the lyrics.
nice song and the message applies to anyone anytime.. Its about doin your best.. literally giving it all in what ever you do even if you think you are already at the top

3. What type of guy do you fancy? Describe him.

4. If you could be one animal, what animal would you want to be?

5. What quotes from movies that are memorable to you? List down 5 of them.
1: Doh' - Homer Simpson, Eat my shorts - Bart simpson From The Simpsons
2: The force is strong in you young one. - Master Yoda to Luke Skywalker
3: Fake Leonidas: Spartans Whats your occupation
Spartans: Soldiers
meanwhile the one Jew among them: Accountants!
From Meet the spartans
4: My precious- Golum From LOTR thrilogy
5: Arthur (Al Pacino):My client, The Honorable Henry T. Fleming, should go right to fucking jail! The son of a bitch is guilty!
Judge: You are Out of order
Arthur(As he was being escorted out of the courtroom):I'm out of order? No! YOU'RE out of order! YOU'RE out of order! THE WHOLE TRIAL IS OUT OF ORDER! THEY'RE OUT OF ORDER! That man, that SICK, CRAZY, DEPRAVED man, RAPED and BEAT that woman there, and he'd like to do it again! It's just a show! It's a show! It's "Let's Make a Deal!" "Let's Make a Deal!" Hey Frank, you wanna make a deal?! I got an insane judge who likes to beat the s**t out of women! Whaddaya wanna gimme Frank, three weeks probation?
You killed McCullough! You killed him! Hold it! Hold it! I JUST COMPLETED MY OPENING STATEMENT!
And Justice For All. A masterpiece by Al Pacino

6. What do you splurge on?
Food + Computer

7. What are you watching these days on the television?
Heroes season 3

8. The darnest thing you've said in your life?
Me: Did your mum bake those?
The person: NO. My sis did
later one sumone told me that the person's mum passed away months ago. I swear i didnt know at that time

9. When did you have you first date?
Angsana, JB december of 2005

10. If you could be in a movie, what movie would it be and what character you would like to portray and why?
Tony Stark in Ironman.
because: Cash, Cars, Gadjets, Babes and That damn Cool Suit

11. Describe an experience that you'll never forget.
1st time sitting in a supercar.. I was at Singapore that time. Walking down Orchard road.. And there by the road side was a Lamborghini Murcielargo... MY ultimate dream car at that time...
it was the grandprize in some Credit card Contest.. And the ppl there asked me. Hey kid u know about lamborghini eay, Wanna sit inside?...
That man had made a little boy's dream come through that day... I pitty Singaporeans.. They can drive a car for 5 years only, 7 if in good condition.. So damn the fella who gets the lambo for 5 years..

And who would you like to tag?
1. Alan
2. Farid
3. Nabila
4. Syafiq
5. Aria

What is No. 2. doing now?
Probably plotting his revenge against sum1 whose identity is undisclosable or making beats

Does No.5 and No.4 had a strange relationship?
I dont think so.. but theres a high possibility of the typical primary school crush type relationship.. you know what i mean. where the girl owes bullies the guy she likes...

What one thing does No. 1 always remind you off?
School Canteen

How long have you and No.3 known each other?
3 years plus.. Always known her as my friends Girlfriend. (altough the friend is not the same)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Say Yes to these drugs

The Miracle of Medicine which could help all couples.

Possible Drugs for Men (by women)
1 Anniversia
Triggers memories of birthdays and wedding anniversaries while simultaneously loosening spending inhibitions at jewellery shops.

2 Verbiloose
1 spoonful of this before dinner will make a man willing to talk about his feelings for a whole 20 minutes

3 Slendavis
Widens and flattens the male cornea, making wives appear slim and willowy.

4. Belchex
Adds a terrifyingly foul taste to stomach gas making men scared to burp or let loose any other gas from their body

5. Aspirude
Small white tablet that prevents men from telling off-colour jokes at dinner parties

6. Combovex
Shortens hair at the side of the head so men cannot make themselves look silly by combing locks over their bald spot

7 . Sportoblind
Reacts with the optic nerve to prevent men from recognising the word "sports" on the TV schedule

8. Gadjesterol
Kills off the area of the male brain that makes men waste money on overpriced gadjets

9. Chorocet
Two spoonfuls at breakfast and your man will have an inatiable desire to do house chores

10. Storophobex
A spoonful a day for two weeks will make men eager and willing to go shopping with their wives and wait patiently in stores even boutiques and lingerie shops for an astonishing 4 hours

Drugs that all women should take

1. Shoppinproofen
2 5-ml doses taken at breakfast will enable a woman to walk staright past stores without entering

2. Tirelynol
Prevents tiredness and headaches at bedtime

3. Moodifix
Doubles the length of time a woman stays in one mood before changing to another, that is, from about 2 minutes to 4, if you're lucky

4. Canotaddium
Reacts with the left side of the brain to alleviate the intrinsic female fear of maths

5. Vaniticillin
Enables a woman to walk past reflective surfaces without checking thet their make-up is perfect

6. Irrationalicet
Helps women to maintain a logical arguement without drifting off into side issues, such as, "but do you love me?"

7. Pricetagia
Alleviates Female blindness to price tags

8. Clarium
Enables women to hold and compare 2 seperate thoughts such as " Why is my diet no working?" and "I think I'll have some more chocolate."

9. Slatewypia
A dose of this prevents women from remembering anything their male partner said more than a year ago

10. Naggincease
Disables the vocal chords for up to five hours

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

10 worst quotes about tech prediction.

1. "Next Christmas the iPod will be dead, finished gone, kaput."-Sir Alan Sugar (2005)

2. "No need for a computer at home."
-Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment (1977)

3. "Nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners will probably be a reality within ten years."-Alex Lewyt, president of Lewyt Corp Vacuum company, (1955)

4. " There will never be a bigger plane built."
-Boeing engineer, after the maiden flight of 10 seater Boeing 247 (1933)

5. "TV won't last because people will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night"-Darryl Zanuck. (1946)

6. "We stand on the treshold of rocket mail."
-US postmaster general Arthur Summerfield. (1959)

7. "Nobody would ever neeed more than 640 kilobytes of memory on their personal computer."-Bill Gates, 1981

8. "The Americans have need for telephone but we do not as we have plenty of messenger boys."-Sir William Preece, chief engineer of the British Post Office, (1878)

9. "Spam will be solved."
-Bill Gates, (2004)

"X-rays will prove to be a hoax."-Lord Kelvin, president of the UK's Royal Society (1883)

Oh boy they could not be any further from the truth...

This is a nice one

I'm sure all of you have watched The matrix Trilogy... Its one of my all time favourite...
Basically its a movie about the world in the future will be runned by suoer computers and machines. They use human brain waves to generate power to remain in control. Thus they start breeding humans and put them ina virtual world which could be what we're livin in right now.
But a group of humans manage to see past this and escaped the virtual matrix...
Now i know why this is possible.. Its because the matrix runs on Windows XP.. Bad Mistake Machines

Linux anyone?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My first tag too!

Upload your fave picture and answer the question below.
Why did you choose the photo?
Its my dream machine.. Surely a babe magnet if i own it.. And my speed demon outlet. I love this car

When was the last time you ate pizza?
er... 2 months ago.. pizza hut gettin lousy

The last song you've listened to
Westlife - If i let you go

What are you doing besides answering this tag?
Downloading old school pop boy band music... 90s

Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
Mater King of kings etc..

Tag 6 person, the following questions are related to them.
1) Farid
2) Min Zhi
3) Syafiq
4) Nabila
5) Aria
6) Eileen

Who is number 1?
- Maniacal, Suicidal, Genocidal, Joker/Rapper wannabee who misses tauf kotey~ and needs to get a life (and a new modem). and maybe dump his gf too

No.3 has a relationship with?
- His Macbook, His cat, His Spongy haired Friend and every brit indie band

Say something about number 5.
- The Horror, The Horror, and MU hater Woots!

How about number 4?
- She has a way with the School management... (she goes for the guy with the most power and works her charm on him/them) and has bad taste in a boyfriend... Envied by number 3 for her macbook initially

Who is number 2?
- My step grandmother... (weird step family tree)

Say something to number 6.
- Ah Siiim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pls dont report this

What would you get if you combined Barack Obama and Najib
here's is what the speech would look like
In The year 2009 Its is time for a change. A change in which every citizen would benefit from. And believe me when I say Change is coming. We shall no longer be divided. We shall United Under the concept 1Malaysia unlike that mongolian girl who is in a million pieces...
Can a man do anal on his mongolian model harem. Yes, we can! Change is coming our way and my god we shall make a difference. Thank you

Shell Interview

It was suppose to be at 3 but at 1230 I received a call from them saying If you want we could do the interview now. So of course i said lets do it now...
The interviewer was a woman whose english was damn good too bad she lacked a sense of humour...
It lasted 25 minutes damn.. I never even talked to my ex that long on the phone...
Dont ask me how it went cause I dont know According to the Interviewer
we are not allowed to comment on the Interview Before the results are officially out
that would be sometime in the middle of May

Friday, April 17, 2009

Funny how life goes...

Just Found out today I have been offered Matriculation at Labuan which i totally didnt expect.. Registration is on the 11th...
If it was later i would not be having such a head ache...
So hoping JPA and Shell announce result atleast during 1st week of May..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Shell again

Yeap It is Confirmed That On the 21st of April at 3 PM I will be having my Shell SCholarship Interview Through the Phone... I'll be on the phone for 45 to 60 minutes during that hour
Wish me Luck!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shell Scholarship

Well I'm happy to announce then Shell has granted me an interview for their scholarship..
but the interview is on 21st April and Its in KL... Need to call them tomorrow during office hours and work out the kinks...
well I already went for JPA interview and i got Shell Interview Coming up...

Sad to say Petronas and Yayasan Telekom Rejected me... I'm succesfull in 50% of Scholarships I applied for
Hopedfully I'm succesful in 50% of the scholarship I Interviewed for

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shine Down

Its time for me to introduce another rock band this one is called Shinedown. and again I have never heard them on Malaysian TV or Radio
Well here are some facts bout them
Shinedown is an American rock band from Jacksonville, Florida, formed in 2001 by Brent Smith, Brad Stewart, Jasin Todd, and Barry Kerch. The band has released three albums on Atlantic Records. They have released popular singles such as "45", "Save Me", "Devour", and "Second Chance." Every single they have released has reached the Top 5 of the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart

The song that made me pay attention to them

Touching Lyrics in this one about a Mother's advice to her son
Simple Man

Another country like song
Shed Some Light

This one is entitled Sound of Madness But there's nothing mad about their music

Monday, April 13, 2009

Learn Chinese the easy way

Something i gotta share lol.. Just Tilt Your Head Right and read Its amazing that it would be just like reading english if you do

Rock Bands

My preference for Rock is obvious and I love metal, unfortunately in Malaysia we are only exposed to Mainstream metal bands which are good but are on the edge of being sell outs, Through Googling and Wikkiing I've Discovered numerous rock (mostly metal bands) which only a handful of you might know. This is the 1st Of many more that i have found.

Its Called murderdolls... Well they are one of them Screamish Metal bands which i like, one of the founder of the band is Joey Jordison from slipknot or otherwise known as Number 1. Joey who is a drummer for slipknot picks up the guitar in this band and he rocks...
Officially they're genre is American Horror Punk, but they sound more like metal to me.. Anyways enjoy some of this songs from them live in concert

Die my bride is my favourite from this band

Slit my wrist

I Love to say f*ck eh?

I know the titles sound emo but believe me when i say they're not emo

signing out

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Another one in the bag

Woots.. Just finished another pc game.... Gears Of War rocks the graphics are awsome and the characters are mean and rugged, Marcus Fenix is one tough S.O.B. The last mission was tough as hell... But once more i have finished a game in the record time of around 3 days..
Let me see.. games i have finished since I've gotten this new pc, Prince of Persia in 3 days, Red alert 2 about 4, gears of war 3 days, Halfway through Need for speed Pro Street...
Let the games roll onn need to finish as much as possible before start studying,

Spreading the word

Yii Shu Kai I will Spread The News Listen to this

Greatness Thrusted upon the world

I was born eactly 4 months and 18 years ago


If you're wondering what i've been doing since SPM here's is a quick update,
After SpPM went Damai After Damai went India After that Have been rotting ever since...
thats roughly 4 months of rotting, 120 days, 2880 hours, or 172800 minutes

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The 1st post ever

Well i hope you are happy. I finally started this blog but no guarentees i will update all the time..

Went to watch Shinjuku Incident and Fast and Furious 4 (The 1st worth wild movie of the year)
Shinjuku Not Bad But Very Violent I can Remember hands flying around and this creepy looking guy who was good in the beginning but became a weirdo named Jie (his hand was one of the 2 which flew)

Then Ate at Kado

Cleberated Sumone's Birthday there... When we were there was 2 other suprise birthdays for 2 random people... What a Coincidence

Anyways Fast and furious 4 is the best among the 4 simply because of the car line up, Mustangs and Imports....

Watch it.. I personally Love the Yellow mustang